Saturday, July 21, 2012

Just back from Terrace Gardening Workshop

Attended workshop held at Vittal Mallya Scientific Research Foundation. Met Dr. Viswanath, a pioneer in the field of Organic gardening in Bangalore. Started promoting Organic Gardening since 1995 and has been successful in enlightening more and more people in this field.
There were 30 people who attended the course. Few pics from the VMSRF terrace

Choice of containers is up to you. Your imagination is the only limitation. Cauliflower, Tomato grown in 12" clay pots. Capsicum & a new variety of Chilly in paint containers.

 Dr. Hegde explaining seeds varieties, soil mixing, seeding, tools, pest control/management

At the end of the day we were gifted with a copy of Dr. Viswanath's popular book "A handbook of Organic Terrace Gardening"and the below five saplings. Two chilly, two cauliflower and a tomato. I picked up a Strawberry sapling :)

Will be planting the saplings tomorrow morning. will update tomorrow on how it goes and also on the technology I picked up at VMSRF.


  1. Hi Jayant, how goes your terrace garden. I want to start one of my own and would like some tips from those who have gone before. Tnx

  2. Hi Jayanth, I have just started mine. Couple you please give me the details of the workshop.Also, where do I get the book?

