Saturday, June 30, 2012

New chapter in life: From Geek to Gardener

It was a long time ago, when I helped mom setup a kitchen garden@Dwd. But vaguely remember we ever put a serious effort to sustain our needs. Happy with the one-time success, the idea withered down.

I am now bitten by the gardening bug but don't have the space we had at Dwd. I have to stick to containers:(

Well, the thought came to me when I heard coriander costs Rs.45 in Bangalore. This was in the month of May 2012. I quickly searched on Google for blogs on growing coriander. Learnt most of the thing from the Geek Gardeners blog. Headed to Lalbagh, picked up the seeds, compost and red soil.

On way to office, picked a pot (Rs.120) my biggest expense so far.
Very next day, loosened the soil, mixed the compost and sowed the seeds. After a wait of 15days, there was sense of achievement, on seeing the seedlings :)

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